FasCorp is an integrated digital platform created by Shreekhand Technologies for Urban consumers & Bulk Buyers, after creating successfully Kisanmanch.com a digital agri input aggregation platform for farmers. We thought about need of aggregating agri output, market linkages and connecting farmers directly with consumers & bulk/individual buyers above all major stakeholders in agri sector to facilitate them with Real Time AgriOutput Information Management System.
We are happy to announce that we have taken up an initiative to connect farmers directly with consumers &bulk buyers as service providers with logistic support so that we can help Consumers &farming community to Save & earn better.
FasCorp Urban is a Fresh Customized Fruit & Vegetable cultivation programme for our Urban Consumers where they can rent 680 Sq. Feet area @ 2500/- pm in our farmer’s Land on Annual basis on a leased land and cultivate Fresh Vegetable of your family member’s choice & our Logistic service will supply Twice a week direct from farm to your kitchen. You can track your Crop growth live on our application/portal on weekly basis.
FasCorp Me is for clients residing in posh areas with considerable open space for High Tech backyard farming or people with large land holding / land bank underutilized to be optimized. Out filed expert team will visit the site, take soil and water samples and will suggest what can be done within 15 working days. Most of the HNIs in Cities are one time migrant from rural India and landlords who settled here due to their Business or Jobs but first & second generation still have connect with their land at their ancestral villages but Third Generation may lose the connect if the relationship with villages & farms lost. Farm land given on rent or annual lease if never fruitful so far because in order to produce more the land lease multiply applications of Urea, DAP and other harmful chemicals, which ultimately is impacting the soil , ground water & human being consuming the farm produced. We help you outsourcing the land to FasCorp to turn the land into organic and optimizing profit for you.
FasCorp Open aggregate the forecasted farmer’s crop production and make is available for you to book online or it match your requirements with farm produce available on our portal. A Group of minimum 5 to 10 residents in a society appreciated to group upon which helps us to serve you better & economically. Track your Crop growth live on our application/portal on weekly basis.
FasCorp Business is for Retails & Food Processing clients dealing in fresh farm produce or looking for processing specific farm produce which canbe pre order, pre book & pre pay every season so that their demand is aggregated& met. In addition to it your advance order & payment will help our hubs/spoke centers to aggregate & expedite the required commodities ordered by you. You can track your Crop growth live on our application/portal on weekly basis.
Lifestyle Diseases are catching up fast in India & it is being known as the diabetes capital of the world, India has 61.3 million people suffering from this dreadful lifestyle disease. Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, Hypertension, Obesity, Cancer, Lungs Disease, allergic and many more. India's Per Capita Income Rises 7.4% To Rs 93,293 In 2015-16. On June 01, 2016 00:40 (IST). India's per capital income rose 7.4 per cent to Rs 93,293 in 2015-16, compared to Rs 86,879 in the preceding fiscal year. Our Healthcare expenses per person per year in 2014 were 74.99 USD. Approx 5100 per person per year. Assuming 4.5 person per family, we spent approx 22950 a year which is approx 25% of our per capita income per year. I urge to spend you 22950 on good food/fresh food which helps you to live healthy life by just leasing 680 sq feet farm land annually @ 2500/- per month. Choose Farmers rather Doctors or choose food rather pharmacy as most of the medicines are an extract of various food/fruit/vegetable/spices etc, its better to eat them RAW rather processed as medicines.
Our farmer’s community is spread over all over India and Nepal doing organic & conventional farming of approx. 109 crops & Livestock farming which are supported by a world class on ground team & Soil, leaf, water, residue Testing Lab. Tests are conducted for each member farmer so that healthy soil produce healthy fruits & vegetable which comes to your plate daily. Livestock Farmers are also supported by our livestock farming programme in order to provide you pure/balanced nutrients enabled milk, curd, Ghee, Cheese and other dairy products. Other than this we are facilitating many FPO/FPC (farmer Producer Companies) to grow customized millets, grains, pulses, spices, vegetables & fruits by renting/leasing their land.
Individual, corporate, commission agents, exporters, traders, bulk suppliers to various organization always face the issue of erratic supplies through our APMC/Mandis. We wish to aggregate their year around supply and we plan our agricultural operations accordingly at backend to meet their demand. We are in an era of digital revolutions where each thing revolves around data. We are ready to connect our farming communities, FPO & FPCs as per market/ consumer demand.
Logistic is one of the most challenging aspects in fresh transportations. Since Uber, Ola & Shuttle transformed urban transportation system; our logistic solution will connect our farmers and buyers. This feature of ours will aggregate transporting goods, pick up and delivers smoothly. Individual LCV owners, drivers and transportation societies/ companies shall be providing logistic support smoothly to our customers.
Established as a Partnership Firm in August 2010 with a vision to create Customized Soft solution for Education, Health & Agriculture business management on RealTime basis. Our company successfully designed and developed E Learning Programmes for Preparatory class to 12 th standard based on NCERT syllabus. Apart from E Learning Programme we customized School ERP solutions for Him Springdale School, BL Central School, Shivalik Public School and many more in 2010. Digital Student Report Card and Analytical & Historical Academic Performance Score Cards for 10 years linked with Kundali is our Flagship IT Product in this sector. We entered in Health sector IT Product “Patient Historical Data Management “Human Health Card with M/S ShreeKhand Hospital along with ERP solutions in 2012. In 2013 onwards We ventured into RealTime Agriculture Information Management System Development for Indian Farmers. Our Soil Health card is the most easy to understand Soil Health Card in India for our Farming community. In 2021 we converted our partnership Firm into a Private Limited company in order to venture into Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Carbon Credit Programme by adding 1 Million Farmers in Himachal Pradesh and approx 1.5 Million in India through 3000FPO & 5000 Women SHGs.
After Covid outbreak in 2019 when entire nation went though lockdown and farming community was in stress to Harvest their crops, store, transport and sell their produce, We initiated – FAS- Farming as A Service. Being connected with approx 2.5 Million Farmers in India , We connected our farming community with agribusiness ( Retail Chains & E- Commerce ) companies in India Like – Oyedesi , Suri AgriFresh , Absolute Foods, Deal Share, Super plum ,The R Group , Waycool, KiloFarm, AgriVi etc for Fruits, Vegetables and Cereals linkages. Being established in Himachal Pradesh Apples is the largest crops which we manage with approx 85000 Farmers in Shimla, Kullu, Mandi, Kinnaur, Chamba and Lahul Spiti. We have approx 42000 Farmers growing Apples in Kashmir and Approx 8000 Farmers in Uttrakhand. Apart from Apples we do Kinnow from Punjab & Coconut from Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Pine Apples from North East, Mango, Grapes & Pomegranate Maharashtra. Apart from Commodities we have APPROX 60000 farmers cultivating Medicinal, Aromatic Plants 7 Herbs in 6 states of North India. Lahul Spiti is our largest Exotic Vegetable Growing Distt with approx 2200 Farmers. We signed MOU with Govt. of Himachal Pradesh with Department of Agriculture in 2019 to train farmers on Natural Farming System & to create Market Linkages. Apart from Indian Companies we are successfully supplying overseas supplies to our clients in Bangladesh, Nepal, Middle East and African countries commodities like Maize, Wheat, Rice, Groundnut, and Coriander & Soybean. We provide facilitation services and consulting for refinery products.
Being in Agriculture, Horticulture and Livestock Sector for Approx 10 years Now where we are not just doing procurement of crops from Farmers, We have a rich data of Key problems from each region , crops , Insects, Pests, Mites, Diseases etc for approx 125 crops in India. We are least Apple Yielding nation in the world just 7.5Tons Per Hectares against 42Tons globally. Apart from Yield Fruit Quality , Size , Shape, color we do not stand anywhere globally. We are India’s Only AgriTech Company to Innovate & Manufacture a Biological Product to cator Yield, Quality, Color Shape and Fruit Size elongation Named “CHANGO” which has Fermentation Technology Based GA4,GA7 & 6ba and That too approx 40% Cheaper than globally. We are only company in India to break the monopoly of USA on Biological GA4 & GA7, China’s synthetic GA4 & GA7 production. Our make in India product Potassium Humate with 65% Humic Acid, 6% Fulvik Acid and 12% Potassium at 50% Less cost than China & Germany who had Monopoly once Now broken successfully with our Research Partner. Apart from this Nano Urea in with 173NM quality & Approx 15.77% Nitrogen is in process for manufacturing at our contract manufacturing plant in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India.
A seasoned Database Architect who has been instrumental creating lot of desktop & mobile applications for approx. 15 yearsNow. Being at key database handling position in one of the Asia’s largest Travel Technology Company for approx. 6 years & Learning agriculture on ground practically for approx. 9 years with Kisanmanch ‘ India’s well known farming portal & App” FasCorp brings a valuable Real Time Agriculture Information Management System in order to create winning opportunities for all stake holders in entire value chain.
Abhishek has over 24 years of experience in Development Sector particularly in Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Project Management, Corporate Communication & External Affairs, Public Relation, NGOs Functioning, Strategic Alliances, Management System Review, Social Audit, Foundation Management etc. He has sound understanding of Public/Privet sector management reforms & governance, public expenditure management, human resources development, public-private partnership etc in local, national & international context. He has absolute capability of Networking, Representation, Laisoning, Collaborative and Collegian Relationships with Corporate
A Microbiology & Biotechnology Professional worked as SRF in Central Research institute of Dry land Agriculture in NICRA project at Plant Pathology Department. Worked as Senior Executive in Quality Assurance Department in Nexogenix life sciences. Later I got an opportunity to be an intern in Development Sector in a project covering Andhra Pradesh under Smart Village Movement – A joint initiative of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh & University of California Berkley USA. Being a Limited Time Project, I was Mandal Coordinator before I joined Fascorp in April 2021..
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